Turn-key Machinery & Parts Sourcing Agent in China?

We can help you source turnkey machinery directly from reliable suppliers among hundreds & thousands of Chinese manufacturing companies.

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Chnic as a machinery & parts sourcing agent in China helps wholesalers and factory owners one-stop equip or update their Manufacturing facilities through top-end turnkey machinery Made in China manufacturing.

Need Sourcing Turn-key Machinery Made in China Sourcing ?

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We help factories owners solve the following problems:

  • Could not find the corresponding supplier
  • Suppliers in different regions are too different
  • Delayed delivery after payment
  • Information opacity and asymmetry

How We Grow Your Business



Chnic sourcing is not only a turnkey machinery made-in-China sourcing agent, but also your long-term partner to support your different businesses as your own purchasing department, and help your company improve efficiency, save time and reduce costs. 

Turnkey Machinery Made-in-China Sourcing »

We help you one-stop source reliable turn-key machinery made in China without risks like “finding a needle in a haystack.″

Examples of Equipment Made in China Sourcing 

Composite Extrusion System

Parts and Components Made-in-China Sourcing »

We help you source the right qualified parts and components made in China for your fabrication needs as your additional purchasing department.

Examples of Components Made in China Sourcing 

PLC Control Panel

Materials Made-in-China Sourcing for Projects »

We provide a one-stop supply of components made in China for your project and ensure consistent product quality and consolidation for delivery on time.

Examples of Materials Made in China Sourcing 

Fluid System Component
About Us


The Story of Why We Do Machinery Made in China Sourcing 

 Chnic is a native company from China located on the manufacturing basis, Weifang, Shandong, China. we export and sourced machinery made in China Sourcing for 20 years. we better understand ins and outs of the manufacturing companies to help you avoid any pitfall, especially for the relatively high-value machinery. We only offer machinery and project from factories that supply reliable and high-quality equipment. we have links with every quality machinery manufacturer in most industries. Provide consulting, sourcing, one-stop purchasing,  consolidating, warehouse, and shipment.

Manufacturing Base

Manufacturing Base

Ready FRP Pultrusion Machinery for Delivery

Ready FRP Extrusion Machine Made in China for Delivery

Before we do machinery made in China Sourcing in China we export plastic extrusion machinery and plastic accessory equipment. In 2006 a foreign purchaser from Middle-East contacted us with referrals from our customer and informed us he decided to purchase another PE plastic corrugated pipe extrusion line because the line he purchased prior didn’t work correctly, and he was very angry about that for the big loss, and we were also surprised about this serious matter because the manufacturer is famous with large scale in the industry. After we in-depth studied the manufacturer we understood the behind reason. From that time we begin to worry about the independent importer who might face a great risk because he only understands the sight of the presentation without insight into critical factors behind it. 

At the same time,  this serious matter caused our terrible sense of blame. We consider why we didn’t do sourcing business based on our powerful know-how and insight ability in machinery manufacturing to help foreign friends who didn’t understand fully China and avoid any pitfall, especially for the machinery costing high.

China is a large country, and people in different regions have very different habits that affect their commercial behavior regarding the values, management, R&C, quality control, and the real company vision. All the above sounds complicated, but all of it really is the reason that affected the quality of the product. Please stay relaxed.

 Chnic can help you to simply all process

Want to start a project with us? Contact us —

Loading Machinery for Delivery

Loading Machine Made in China for Delivery

Our Happy Customers
Successful SPC Floor Production Line Installation & Commissioning

Successful Installation of Spc Floor Production Line Made in China 

Operation Training of the GRP&FRP Winding Pipe Production Line

Operation Training of the GRP Production Line Made in China  

Inspection of Ductile Pipe & Fitting Material for Project

Inspection of Material for Project Made in China

What machine are you looking for?

Machinery Solutions Process

Working with Chnic

If you’re planning an expansion, upgrade, or star-up facility, you need an expertly designed turnkey equipment system. However, plant managers and engineers like you may not have the time, resources, or bandwidth to handle large equipment projects.

At Chnic, our projects and system design team engineers and executes reliable system design, we’ll provide one-stop turnkey application-guaranteed equipment and experienced installation teams that set you and your operators up for success from the start.

The result? A turnkey system that keeps your plant running efficiently and profitably.

Table of contents

  • Learning your facility’s needs
  • Designing your turnkey system
  • Internal process
  • Customer process
  • Production and installation
  • Ongoing customer care

Whole Plastic Pipe Factory Project

A large one-stop turn-key plastic pipe production project to produce PPR pipe, PE pipe, PVC pipe, and double wall (dual wall) corrugated pipe



Learning your Facility’s Needs

You’ll begin with our project manager to discover more about what your system needs to accomplish. Depending on the system complexity and our experience working together, we may begin with a video showing the operating of facilities and a walkthrough of on-site facilities.

The quoting process will begin with questions like:

  • What processes are you needing equipment for?
  • What is the formula of the material (type, percentage, bulk density)?
  • For new plants or significant expansions, what kinds of operations will need to be accommodated?
  • What are the equipment locations within your facility?
  • What are your site safety, accessibility, and/or policy requirements?
  • What other production/throughput/efficiency goals, does this system need to meet?
  • What are your installation deadlines?

Designing your Turnkey System

This information is then passed along to an internal systems engineer. They will use your requirements for throughput, distances, processing needs, and production goals to calculate and identify the right equipment.

It’s our job to integrate the right components together for the most optimal performance for your facility. Systems engineers may also pull in the guidance of product managers — for more complex configurations.

Finally, estimators will calculate installation, commissioning, and training costs to go alongside the system design drawings for the complete quote. After reviewing with your team, you can make any necessary changes and we’ll update the quote as needed.

Internal Process

Once your team has approved the quote and the official order comes in, during this stage, one engineer with rich experience will be assigned to your account to supervise the project all the way through commissioning. They’ll be your single point of contact and keep communications streamlined.

During this stage, the procedure will be done:

  • Review all equipment and configurations for accuracy.
  • Verify lead times and make sure nothing conflicts with deadlines.
  • Determine the approximate installation timeline to begin scheduling service specialists for the startup.
  • For replacements, choreograph decommissioning and rolling upgrades to minimize disruptions.
  • For expansions, plan necessary equipment and control integration.


Customer Process

Depending on the scale of the project, we’ll either go on-site or start with your team remotely. Whoever at your company is responsible for supervising the installation and the implementation of the system should be present.

All the project paperwork will be provided via a shared folder for further discussion;

Your standard documentation package will include:

  • System drawings
  • Bill of Materials
  • Layout chart
  • Scope of Work
  • Equipment spec sheets
  • Manuals

Further, maybe you require more thorough documentation (such as layout drawings that show the placement of machinery, materials, and water distribution systems, flow drawings mapped in CAD, or detailed electrical drawings.

Production and Installation

During this stage, your project manager keeps contacting you during the production, shipping, installation, and startup phases of your project. They’ll keep you informed on any changes and make sure the rest of the Chnic team is doing everything necessary to meet your deadlines and goals.

Ahead of commissioning, your project manager will send you an online form to make sure your facility is ready for site start-up.

Think of it as a helpful pre-startup checklist — it will confirm:

  • The scheduled startup date still works.
  • The best way to contact you for any modifications.
  • Equipment has been mounted in its final run location
  • Power and water supply are connected to equipment.
  • Whether you’ll have material ready for us to process.


Technicians can complete all aspects of the installation, including rigging, piping, plumbing, mechanical installation, and control wiring, depending on the needs of the job. They’ll ensure the system is running and meets your performance expectations.

Technicians will then train your team on how to operate equipment properly and optimally. This startup training will put your on-the-ground team in the best position to maintain safety, operation, and profitability.

Ongoing Customer Care

All equipment is supported by the Operation Guarantee, which states that all equipment will perform as expected or better.

Spare parts

If production lines are down and on-hand parts aren’t available, you need components, parts orders ship from Chnic within 48 hours — helping you get back to full operation as fast as possible.

24/7 Technical Service

For starters, we provide manuals, spec sheets, and technical documents available for guidance.

But sometimes what you need is an expert to talk you through a problem by video meeting.

And if assistance is still needed on-site, a team can be on-site as soon as possible, depending on location and urgency.

Training for preventative maintenance programs

We’re in the business of extending the productive life of your equipment — and this will in turn help you optimize skilled labor, and reduce maintenance costs.

Regular employee training can dramatically improve performance, safety, profitability, and uptime. We offer customized training solutions for every type of equipment we sell, shaped to meet your operational and maintenance requirements and set your operators up for long-term success.

Want to start a project with us? Contact Us —

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